Thursday, January 29, 2015


Creating an author page is scaring the bejesus out of me. I have no idea what my problem is. I know it is necessary, but I can't force myself to click create.

More than likely the whole thing stems from my fear of someone reading my stuff. Will they think it is stupid. Will they think I have no talent. Those things shouldn't bother me because I honestly shouldn't care what  anyone thinks.

At least all that sounds good in practice.

I'm almost embarrassed that I wrote a book. And that's probably the stupidest most irrational feeling I should have. But, yeah... People paying attention to me is embarrassing.

Slap me now!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015


I'm going to watch the new Captain America movie with the kids today. Yay. We are having popcorn as a snack.

I'm completely psycho, as of last night, and that makes me wanna slap myself.

I still miss the hubs. Actually speaking to him is rare but makes me feel a million times better. This deployment is going to test me... Boy oh boy.

I have 71k words on my book. I had to take a couple days' break, though. It was all running together.

Job search tomorrow. I do not care if I have to intern with no pay. I cannot deal with having nothing to do while my husband is gone. Freelance jobs are too sporadic to maintain me.

New Amy Lane comes out tomorrow. I know what I'll be doing. After job searching, of course.

The oldest has two appointments this week. Fun fun.

Later, folks. The Captain is calling my name.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Letting the introvert out of the bag.

Well, crap.

I just realized that I have almost an entire book written. That means I am going to have to let people read it. They will read swear words and other things that I wrote down.

Will they think I am crazy since I had all that evilness in my head? I sometimes think that people who can write really bad villains have to have a bit of crazy in them. Who can think up such vile things?

Me. I can think up vile things.

I wrote about sex. Eeek. People are going to read the sex I wrote. Not a lot, but I still wrote some in there.

I am going to have to create an author page. It will say I am an author. Am I really an author? I don't feel like a writer even though I have 200 pages of book written. What does being an author mean? Can I just write something someday and say "Hey, world. I am an author because I said so?" Weird.

I am overthinking, which is typical of me.

I guess I'm an author now. Because I said so.

Someone should slap me to shut me up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I'm starting to miss my husband.

That sucks. But the good news is I am making good progress on my first draft. I even manned up and sent it to two people to read. Strangers, but... The response was good so I'm feeling a little more confident.

I really want to finish the book.

I signed up for a 30-day trial for Oyster. Cripes. Too many free books to read now. I find it difficult to navigate so I don't know if I will keep the subscription, but I may if they can keep me unbored for a while.

I need to go to the store. I am procrastinating.

Books to read, groceries to buy, book to write. Lawdy!!! Hopefully the weeks will fly by.

I really miss my husband.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Cute kid and a whole lot of revisions.

So... I'm making good progress on my book. I have been copying and pasting and converting to third person. I really love my evil villain whom I added. It's taking a lot of revisions to fit her in, but I think it is working out nicely.

She is despicable. Squee!

I miss my hubs. It's weird not being able to talk to him. But such is life.

This is off topic but it just popped into my head.

My kid said the cutest thing today.

Me: "Whatcha doing?"
Him: "I had to go to my room for a minute. I watched something so touching I had to go cry."
Me: "You okay?"
Him: "Yeah. It was just so touching."

Love him. He is the sweetest kid on the planet.

End story.

I am hoping to get through all my revisions and to add around 20k more words. That'll leave the finished Part 1 at around 90k.

Now... I just have to teach myself how to create a book cover.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

A beginning.

I guess I can't start blogging without a first post. So here it is.

As I mentally prepare for my husband to be gone for a ridiculous amount of time, I kept trying to figure out what to do with all my time alone. I am exceptionally introverted and living in a new city, so this is a task that is taking quite a bit of thought. My kids are gone to school through the week, which leaves me a lot of free time. And while I could spend a full day reading each day, my wallet won't allow it. I'm also too new at editing to do it full time.

So... what shall I do?

1. I'm going to try to put out reviews of the books I read. I read a lot. Like 500 books a year. There is no excuse why I can't just jot down a few thoughts when I finish a book.

2. Even though I am not a trained writer, I really want to finish writing my book. I have 70k words in a jumbled up, messy Word file on my computer. I like my story, but it needs time and work. Lots of work.

3. I'm going to spend more time outside in the sun. I'm scarily pale.

4. I'm going to watch lots of foreign films. My husband hates subtitles. I like 'em. You get to read and watch a movie at the same time. Yay!

5. I am going to apply at publishing companies. I am. I want to work for a publisher. Freelance work is fun, and challenging, but I really want to work for a publisher. Small time would be better than big time, I think. Wish me luck.

So in short: Review, write, sunshine, movies, and work!

Happy reading.